
Thoughts on Marriage!!!

This relationship between man and woman is designed to be a picture of God and His people, and a picture of the need for relationship that being human demands. As the history of the People of Israel, Gods chosen people, is told in the words of the bible, the picture of marriage grows as right along with the story. The story of Isreal is the story of God as He pursues a people for Himself. This is a mega theme throughout the Holy Scriptures. This is a complicated relationship and there is adversity and miscommunication, there is the need for forgiveness and compassion, and God continually shows He is deeply in love with His people.

According to the scriptures, at just the right time, God enters into human history, when a virgin named Mary, gives birth to a Son, His name was to be Emmanuel, God is with us. Then God dwelt among us, the word become flesh.

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This love story of God and His bride gets even more beautiful when Jesus, the incarnate deity, the living word, sacrifices His own life, and lays it down for His people. The Scriptures call Jesus our bridegroom; those that believe in His life, death, and sacrifice as the way to be forgiven are called, both His Church, and His Bride. According to the scriptures, He rose on the third day to new life and the love story with God continued to grow deeper. At the resurrection we see a picture of Gods love that has sincere implications on a Christian Marriage. Marriage resonating deep into the heart of God as he offers us new life, seals us with His Spirit, gives us a new name and and the promise of eternal life. Marriage offers the comfort of lifelong connection. Salvation offers the freedom from judgement and damnation and the comfort of being with God. Forever.

Jesus teaches us that our relationship is dependent on faith in Him and He calls us all to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures teach Baptism is significant and is designed to be public, as an expression of a personal relationship with Jesus. This is designed to be like the wedding ceremony which is also a public expression of a personal relationship between the bride and the groom.

The Hebrews have an engagement called a betrothal and like an engagement; the betrothal is highly symbolic, the Hebrew betrothal was legal and binding, and a significant change in position in society, The Western Idea of an engagement is so similar in that it is the commitment where in a moment, in a decision, a person decides to join their life together. with another. Like the moment we embrace the salvation message that Jesus taught. That is our engagement and commitment to Jesus. There is also a beautiful correlation to the moment when Gods people are baptized in the kingdom of God. These are a few glimpses into Gods kingdom and this correlation.

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Posted in Churches/Faith/Religion Post Date 03/17/2017




